Volume II Featured

in news
06. 10. 10
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Volume II of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit™ features 55 outstanding entrepreneurs' original stories filled with inspiration and education. The entrepreneurs are from six different countries, one U.S. territory and seventeen states within the U.S. Volume II of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit™ now available at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com and selected bookstores.



Cindy Patterson Thompson, Co-Author of Volume II

Cindy Thompson is a 1986 graduate of Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a minor in Management. She moved to Austin, TX in 1987 and went to work for a start-up company named PC’s Limited which later became Dell Computer. At Dell, she worked in Human Resources for 12 years in almost every department from Recruiting to Executive Compensation. Ms. Thompson participated in the Texas State ACTiVATE program, which encourages women entrepreneurs to create start-up companies from inventions from Texas research institutions. She hosted an Internet Radio Show “Empowering Entrepreneurs.”


James Fini

James Fini, President and Founder Enservio


Curt Coleman

Curt Coleman, Founder Go Fish Clothing & Jewelry Company


Gayle Reaume

Gayle Reaume, Founder and CEO of The Money Academy


FACEBOOK - The Money Academy, LINKEDIN - Gayle Reaume,
TWITTER - MoneyAcademy

Serial Entrepreneur

Glyn Meek, Serial Entrepreneur

www.SoftwareOnSailboats.com, www.DrivewayAustin.com,

LINKEDIN - Glyn Meek

Guy Dunn

Guy Dunn, The Idea Guy, LLC

LINKEDIN - Guy T. Dunn

Daven Tackett

Daven Tackett
Shannon Wilburn
Co-Founders, Just Between Friends Franchise System

shop.sell.save.smart! www.jbfsale.com

Jason O Neill

Jason O'Neill, Creator/Founder Pencil Bugs Plus


Rachel Muir

Rachel Muir, Executive Director, The Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin and the Founder, Girlstart

www.rachelmuir.com, www.GirlStart.org, www.MilkBank.org

FACEBOOK - GirlStart, Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin
LINKEDIN - Rachel Muir
TWITTER - GirlStart, MilkBank

Rosena Sammi

Rosena Sammi, Creative Director, Rosena Sammi Jewelry


FACEBOOK - RosenaSammiJewelry
TWITTER - RosenaSammiJewelry

Maggie Miller

Maggie Miller, Founder and Executive Director, DiscoverHope Fund

www.lendhope.org, www.CajamarcalHope.blogspot.com

TWITTER - Magszoe

Holly G

Holly G. Green, CEO of THE HUMAN FACTOR, Inc.

www.TheHumanFactor.biz, www.MoreThanaMinute.com, www.MoreThanaMinute.com/MoreThanaBlog

FACEBOOK - More Than a Minute - The Official Reader's Group
LINKEDIN - Holly G. Green, TWITTER - HollyGGreen

Read Holly's top selling book, More Than a Minute, How To Be an Effective Leader and Manager in Today's World.

Pamela Giusto-Sorrells

Pamela Giusto-Sorrells, Founder / Owner, Pamela's Products


FACEBOOK - Pamela's Products, TWITTER - PamelasProducts


Catherine “KK” Patton, Founder of Patton Medical Devices and inventor of the i-port® Injection Port

www.i-port.com, www.PattonMD.com

Robin Campbell

Robin Campbell, Owner, Cupidz Clozet


FACEBOOK - Fans of CupidzClozet.com, LINKEDIN - Robin Campbell, TWITTER - ShopWithHeart

George French

George French, Executive Chairman and CEO of Rocketplane, Inc and President of Space Explorers, Inc.


Carol Thompson

Carol Thompson President, The Thompson Group
LINKEDIN - Carol Thompson, PLAXO - Carol Thompson

Jill Katona

Jill Katona, Founder of Bumble Bells, Momtrepreneur Maven, and Paper Work Media

www.PaperWorkMedia.com, www.MomtrepreneurMaven.com,
www.BumbleBells.com, www.JillSalzman.com

FACEBOOK - Bumble Bells,
TWITTER - MissBumble, PaperWorkMedia

Hap Wells

Hap Wells , Founder and Owner Private Jets, Inc.

www.PrivateJetsInc.com, www.EZonPowerSystems.com, www.PilotTracking.com

FACEBOOK - Private Jets, Inc., LINKEDIN - Happy Wells, TWITTER - PrivateJetsInc

Richard Wells

Richard Wells, Founder and President Wells Gaming Research (WGR)


LINKEDIN - Richard Wells

Omar Soliman

Omar Soliman, Founder and CEO College Hunks Hauling Junk

www.1800JunkUSA, www.CollegeFoxes.com

Carol Bilich

Carol Bilich

www.CranioWorks.com, www.Squidoo.com/PartnersInHealth.com

Ann Deal

Ann Deal, Founder Freedom Forms

www.LingerieSolutions.com, www.FashionForms.com

Maddie Bradshaw

Maddie Bradshaw, Founder and President Snap Caps

www.m3girldesign.com, FACEBOOK - Snap Caps by m3 girl designs

Elizabeth Handlin

Elizabeth Handlin, CEO Ultimate Resumes, LLC

www.Ultimate-Resumes.com, www.Ultimate-Resumes.blogspot.com

LINKEDIN - Elizabeth (Liz) Handlin, TWITTER - LizH

Joyce Reid

Joyce Reid, Founder Creative Gifts to Go

www.ShopCreativeGifts.com, www.GiftBasketNetwork.com, www.GiftRetailersNetwork.com, www.GiftBusinessOwners.com, www.GrandCanyonTeddyBears.com, www.Route66Memories.com

FACEBOOK - Joyce Reid, LINKEDIN - Joyce Reid, TWITTER - CreativeGifts

Lee Blaylock

Lee Blaylock, Chairman and CEO Who Do You Know At

www.WhoDoYouKnowAt.com, www.Annandalecap.com

FACEBOOK - Lee Blaylock, LINKEDIN - Lee Blaylock, TWITTER - LeeBlaylock

Eliot Logan-Hines

Eliot Logan-Hines, Co-Founder and Executive Director Finca Project


David Heim

David Heim, Founder Wheelchair Recycler


FACEBOOK - The Wheelchair Recycler

Sommer Meyer

Sommer Meyer, President & Shoe Curator Closet Fetish

www.ClosetFetish.com, www.Chow-Mane.com

FACEBOOK - Closet Fetish, LINKEDIN - Somer Meyer, TWITTER - ClosetFetish

Curt Jones

Curt Jones, Founder Dippin Dots


FACEBOOK - Dippin Dots, FLICKR - Dippin-dots, MYSPACE - DippinDotsIceCream, TWITTER - RealDippinDots

James Roller

James Roller, Restoration Artist Vintage Amusements


Lance Carroll

Dr. Lance Carroll

www.AustinMed.net, www.PrivateDoctor.us

David Altounian

David Altounian, Founder & CEO Motion Computing

www.MotionComputing.com, www.iTaggit.com

FACEBOOK - Motion Computing, iTaggit, LINKEDIN - David Altounian, TWITTER - DAltounian, MotionComputing

Mark Alexander

Mark Alexander, Founder Efficient Exercise

www.EfficientExercise, www.CrazTrain.wordpress.com

Geir Ness

Geir Ness, Creator & Designer of Laila


FACEBOOK - Laila by Geir Ness, TWITTER - Geir2009

Amy C Baker

Amy C Baker, Speaker and Author


LINKEDIN - Amy C Baker

Patricia Flanary

Patricia Flanary, Owner Advantage Mortgage Network


Todd Greene

Todd Greene, Founder Headblade


FACEBOOK - HeadBlade, LINKEDIN - Todd Greene, TWITTER - HeadBlade

Beth Lasita

Beth Lasita, Founder & CEO Pinnacle Construction

www.PinnacleAustin.com, www.GroveWineBar.com, www.Schleroderma.org

TWITTER - GroveWineBar

Melanie McLeroy

Melanie McLeroy, Co-Founder Taurus Dog Training

www.TaurusDogTraining.com, www.EmanciPet.org, www.bclubaustin.com

Osa Notting

Osa Notting, Co-Owner & Co-Designer V.I.be Collection and Into The Blue

www.vibecollection.com, www.intothebluevi.com


Harland B. Wells, President Harland B. Wells Companies

Lauren Johnston

Lauren Johnston O'Connell Founder, Life Spotter


Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee, Owner Teo Espresso, Gelato & Bella Vita


Karen Coleman

Karen Coleman, Founder TushyCushy


Tiffany Taylor

Tiffany Taylor & Leon Chen, Founders Tiff's Treats


FACEBOOK - Tiff's Treats, TWITTER - Tiffs Treats

Kim Breechen

Kim Breechen, Founder & President Slumber Parties

www.SlumberParties.com, www.Sparcas.com

Andrew Brooks

Andrew Brooks, founder Spirited Food Co


Tommy Ho

Tommy Ho, Owner Top Nails

Entrepreneurs featured in A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit, Volume II: Please submit a professional headshot in jpeg format, your title, the name of your company, and your website if you want it listed. Photos and information should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.